How are magnets used? To answer this question, let’s review the key features of each of our product groups, identify specific applications for each product, and then go into detail about the operation of various magnetic devices.


Permanent magnet applications can be divided into four categories, as follows:


Applications that make use of the attractive and/or repelling force of the magnet, i.e., the attraction between a magnet and a soft magnetic material, such as a piece of iron or steel, or the attraction or repulsion between two magnets, is used to do mechanical work. The following applications are in this category:

  • Magnetic separators, magnetic holding devices, such as magnetic latches.
  • Magnetic torque drives
  • Magnetic bearing devices


Applications that make use of the magnetic field of the magnet to convert mechanical energy to electrical energy. Some of these applications are:

  • Magnetos
  • Generators and alternators
  • Eddy current brakes (used widely for watt-hour meter damping). (This application could be listed under electrical to mechanical energy conversion; but as mechanical energy is used to create the eddy currents, it will be discussed with this group.)


Applications that make use of the magnetic field of the magnet to convert electrical energy to mechanical energy. Some of these applications are:

  • Motors
  • Meters
  • Loudspeakers
  • Relays
  • Actuators, linear, and rotational


Applications that use the magnetic field of the magnet to direct, shape and control electron or ion beams. Some of these applications follow:

  • Magnetic focused cathode-ray tubes
  • Traveling Wave Tubes
  • Magnetrons, BWO’s, Klystrons
  • Ion Pumps
  • Cyclotrons


The purpose of a permanent magnet is to produce flux in the working gap of a device. Obviously all permanent magnetic material will produce flux, but depending upon the working application, certain material types, grades and shapes will be more efficient than others. The following is a breakdown by product line applications that are most suitable for a material’s characteristics:

Cast Alnico
The key attributes of Cast Alnico are:

  • Mechanically strong
  • Cast to a variety of shapes
  • Very temperature stable
  • Can change magnetic orientation
  • High Br and Bhmax characteristics compared to ceramic materials.

Alnico Applications
General applications for both cast Alnico are:

  • Electron tubes, radar, traveling wave tubes
  • Separators, holding magnets, coin acceptors, clutches and bearings
  • Magnetos, motors, generators, meters, instruments, controls, relays, watt-hour meters (bearings and dampeners)
  • Communications, receivers, telephones, microphones, bell ringers, musical instruments (guitar pickups)
  • Automotive sensors, loudspeakers, cow magnets, distributors

Ferrite Magnets
Key attributes of ceramic magnets & Arnold’s products are:

  • Economical High Hc and Hci compared to Alnico

Ferrite Magnet Applications

  • DC permanent magnet motors used in the automobile industry for blowers, window lifts, windshield wipers, etc. (NOTE: Many of the motors come from outside sources not tied directly to the auto company itself). Separators to remove ferrous materials from liquid powder and bulk commodities
  • Magnetic Resonate Imaging (MRI)
  • Magnetos used on lawnmowers, garden tractors and outboard motors
  • DC brushless motors with controllers for speed and direction.

RECOMA® Samarium Cobalt
Samarium cobalt magnets are:

  • High Hc and Hci
  • High Bhmax
  • Very good temperature stability
  • Powerful for size

Samarium Cobalt Applications

Neodymium Iron Boron
Key reasons for using Neodymium are:

  • High energy for size
  • More economical than Samarium Cobalt
  • Good in ambient temperature situations
  • Very high Hc and Hci output

Neodymium Iron Boron Applications

  • Computer rigid disc drives
  • Linear actuators
  • Hammerbank printers
  • Speakers
  • Microphone assemblies
  • Magnetic separators
  • DC Motors & Automotive starters
  • Servo Motors

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